Current High School Students

Who's eligible to attend?
  • Students who have receive a certificate of completion from the high school, rather than a diploma, and meets RCEB Regional Center Eligibility Criteria may attend the Roy Johnson Transition Program until the age of 22.
  • Persons eligible for RCEB, Regional Center of the East Bay, are persons with a developmental disability, defined as Intellectual Disability, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Autism, or other conditions closely related to Intellectual Disability.  
What is a Transition Program?
  • A transition program is a multi year program, intended to prepare students with disabilities for the post-school options. 
  • The Roy Johnson Adult Transition Program is based on student centered planning that maximizes independence in adult life. 
  • The Program is designed for students with moderate to severe disabilities who have received a certificate of completion of 4 years of high school and before the age of 22, when adult programs can begin. 
What is the Transition Process?
  • At the high school level, a transition IEP is held and a transition teacher will be included in the IEP invitation. 
  • A collaboration takes place between high school and transition teachers to include information about the student. 
  • Parents are invited to attend informational meetings regarding the transition program where information is presented, followed by a Q and A. 
  • Students visit the transition program to get a flavor of what they will be participating in during their junior and senior years. 
  • Incoming students and families are invited to an Open House on the Redwood Campus.